
PCI DSS V4.0 Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) What’s Changed

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Natasja Bolton

Client Engagement Manager


In this eBook, we examine the impact of PCI DSS v4.0 on Self-Assessment Questionnaires: the SAQs.

The v4.0 SAQs are the validation documents available to merchants and service providers eligible to self-assess compliance with the PCI DSS v4.0.

This eBook explores the PCI DSS v4.0 SAQs, which identify:

  • All Requirements in each SAQ type.
  • New V4.0 Requirements that are:
    • Effective immediately; or,
    • Future-dated (effective 31st March 2025)
  • Existing PCI DSS Requirements newly included in SAQs.

Download the complimentary eBook today!


In this eBook, we examine the impact of PCI DSS v4.0 on Self-Assessment Questionnaires: the SAQs.

The v4.0 SAQs are the validation documents available to merchants and service providers eligible to self-assess compliance with the PCI DSS v4.0.

This eBook explores the PCI DSS v4.0 SAQs, which identify:

  • All Requirements in each SAQ type.
  • New V4.0 Requirements that are:
    • Effective immediately; or,
    • Future-dated (effective 31st March 2025)
  • Existing PCI DSS Requirements newly included in SAQs.

Download the complimentary eBook today!

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Andrea Sugden
Chief Sales and Customer Relationship Officer
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