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Enterprise Security Tech: SEC Disclosure Standards: Navigating Compliance and Cybersecurity in the Boardroom

Date published:

Mar 18, 2024

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Enterprise Security Tech

March 18, 2024

Enterprise Security Tech sat down with VikingCloud Security Architect Fayyaz Makhani to break down the challenges facing business leaders as they navigate the SEC's recent regulations on cybersecurity incident disclosures. Fayyaz reiterated the importance of robust incident response plans, stressing the need for collaboration between CISOs and boards to ensure compliance and bolster overall cybersecurity posture.

“In our research, it has taken some companies more than 180 days to identify an incident. Per the new regulation, that is 176 days late and could put companies in the crosshairs of major penalties,” Fayyaz said.

Read the full article to stay ahead of compliance regulations and safeguard your organization’s cyber health: