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Employee Benefit News: 32% of cybersecurity teams can't hire talent, putting companies at risk

Date published:

May 29, 2024

Kevin Pierce

Chief Product Officer


Employee Benefit News

May 29, 2024


Kevin Pierce, VikingCloud’s CPO, spoke with Employee Benefit News about the findings of VikingCloud’s 2024 Threat Landscape report, which indicated that 32% of cybersecurity teams can't hire talent, putting companies at risk. Pierce emphasized that cyber teams lack adequate technological support, which hampers their effectiveness, especially given the vast and underestimated threat landscape. He advocated for employers to proactively engage with their cyberteams to identify their main challenges and leverage technology to alleviate these issues.

"Employers should be proactive in engaging with their cyber teams to understand where their main pain points lie — and where tech can fill these gaps," Pierce said. "Because with the right tech support, cyber teams could have an easier job sourcing candidates in the long run."

Learn more about how the cyber talent shortage is impacting companies’ threat landscapes: