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Forbes: Why The SEC's Four-Day Disclosure Rule Raises The Bar For Security

Date published:

Aug 28, 2024

Kevin Pierce

Chief Product Officer



August 28, 2024

Seventy-four percent of cybersecurity leaders are confident in their ability to detect and respond to cyberattacks in real time, according to VikingCloud’s 2024 Cyber Threat Landscape Report. Confidence rises the closer you get to the corner office when comparing C-suite leaders (81%) to front-line managers (66%). Yet 68% also say their company could not meet the Security and Exchange Commission's (SEC) four-day disclosure deadline benchmark.

Whether poor incident response stems from a lack of technology, resources, or talent, it should have leaders questioning their confidence. And although the SEC’s rule adds pressure to already-strained cyber teams, it spurs the action needed to drive a more robust cybersecurity program.

Read more in VikingCloud’s CPO Kevin Pierce’s Forbes Tech Council article: