
What is Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)?

Date published:

Mar 4, 2024

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Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) is a cybersecurity concept that involves delivering next-generation firewall protection as a cloud-based service rather than an on-premises hardware or virtual software solution to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

The cloud-based solution allows organizations to deploy and manage firewalls in a more scalable and flexible manner, as the firewall is hosted and maintained by a third-party service provider. FWaaS helps businesses enhance their cybersecurity posture without a significant upfront investment.

Keep reading for a comparison of FWaaS relative to traditional firewalls, enabling you to choose the best firewall solution for your organization.


How FWaaS Works

FWaaS, or Firewall as a Service, is a cloud-based security solution that provides firewall protection for networks and applications without needing physical hardware or on-premises appliances. It operates on the principles of traditional firewalls but is delivered as a service through the cloud.

Here's how FWaaS typically works:

Cloud Deployment

FWaaS is hosted in the cloud by a third-party service provider. Users don't need to invest in and manage their firewall hardware or software; instead, they subscribe to the FWaaS offered by the provider.

Traffic Inspection

The FWaaS system monitors and analyzes network traffic to identify and block potentially malicious activities. It inspects both incoming and outgoing traffic to enforce the security policies defined by the user.

Policy Enforcement

Users can define security policies based on their specific needs. These policies determine what types of traffic are allowed or blocked. For example, a user might create rules that allow traffic on specific ports or protocols while blocking others.


One of the advantages of FWaaS is scalability. As organizations grow or experience changes in network traffic, they can easily adjust their settings to accommodate the new requirements without investing in additional hardware.

Logging and Reporting

FWaaS solutions provide logging and reporting features. They maintain logs of network activities, which can be useful for monitoring, analysis, and compliance purposes. Reports include information on attempted security breaches, traffic patterns, and policy violations.

User Authentication

FWaaS solutions offer user authentication features, allowing organizations to enforce security policies based on user identities. This can be particularly useful when users or groups require different access levels.

Threat Intelligence Integration

FWaaS incorporates threat intelligence feeds to stay updated on the latest cybersecurity threats. This helps in proactively identifying and blocking traffic associated with known malicious entities.

Centralized Management

FWaaS provides a centralized management interface that allows users to configure, monitor, and manage firewall policies from a single dashboard. This simplifies the administration of network security.

Regular Updates and Maintenance

The service provider is responsible for keeping the FWaaS system up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. This ensures that the firewall protection remains effective against emerging threats.

FWaaS provides a flexible and scalable approach to network security, making it well-suited for organizations that want to leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions without the complexity of managing their firewall infrastructure.


How FWaaS Differs from a Traditional Firewall

FWaaS leverages the cloud environment to provide comprehensive security services and offers a more flexible, scalable, and accessible solution with reduced maintenance overhead compared to traditional firewalls.

Following is a feature comparison between FWaaS and a traditional firewall implementation.

Feature FWaaS Traditional Firewall
Cloud-based, hosted, and managed by a third-party   service provider.   
On-premises deployment involving physical or   software-based solutions within the organization's network.   
Easily scalable based on demand, as it   operates in the cloud.   
Scaling may require additional hardware   procurement and configuration.   
Managed and maintained by the service provider,   reducing the burden on the organization's IT team.   
Requires in-house maintenance, including updates,   patches, and hardware management.   
Cost Structure   
Subscription-based model, operational expenses.   
Capital expenditure for hardware, with ongoing   maintenance costs.   
Accessible from anywhere with an internet   connection, suitable for distributed teams or remote workers.   
Limited to on-premises network, which may pose   challenges for remote access.   
Updates and Patches   
Managed and updated by the service provider,   ensuring the latest security measures.   
Requires manual updates and patches by the   organization's IT team.   
Resource Dependency   
Relies on cloud infrastructure, reducing   dependency on local network resources.   
Dependent on the organization's local network   resources.   
User Authentication   
May offer advanced user authentication features   for more granular access control.   
Typically provides basic user authentication.   
Integration with Threat Intelligence   
Often integrates threat intelligence feeds for proactive   threat detection.   
May require manual integration with threat   intelligence sources.   

Why Do Companies Need FWaaS?

In today’s world of constant cyberattacks, Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) has emerged as a pivotal tool for companies seeking robust protection against cyber threats. Companies may choose to implement FWaaS for several reasons, where adoption is driven by a multitude of factors that collectively contribute to sustained network security and overall operational efficiency.

FWaaS offers unparalleled scalability compared to traditional firewall implementations, a critical feature for businesses navigating dynamic growth trajectories. As companies evolve and expand, their network requirements evolve too. FWaaS provides the agility to scale firewall capabilities up or down in alignment with current needs without the logistical challenges of investing in additional hardware or overhauling existing infrastructure.

For multilocation and multinational corporations, managing firewalls across disparate sites poses a logistical challenge. FWaaS addresses this complexity by enabling consistent implementation of firewall policies across all locations, ensuring uniform protection and adherence to compliance requirements.

FWaaS has emerged as a fundamental component in modern cybersecurity strategies, empowering companies with comprehensive protection, operational agility, and peace of mind in the face of evolving cyber threats. Its adoption represents a strategic move for businesses seeking to fortify their defenses, enhance operational efficiency, and safeguard their digital assets in an increasingly complex threat landscape.


The Benefits of FWaaS

Instead of deploying and managing physical firewall appliances, organizations can leverage FWaaS to implement and manage their firewalls in the cloud.


By leveraging a cloud-based model, organizations can avoid the upfront costs of purchasing and maintaining physical firewall hardware. FWaaS typically operates on a subscription-based model, allowing for better cost predictability and control.


FWaaS allows organizations to scale their firewall infrastructure easily based on their needs. Cloud-based firewalls can manage varying traffic levels and workloads, providing flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.

Global Coverage

FWaaS solutions often have a distributed network of servers, allowing organizations to deploy firewalls in multiple geographic locations. This is particularly advantageous for businesses with a global presence, ensuring consistent security policies across different regions.

Rapid Deployment

Traditional firewall deployments can be time-consuming, involving the physical installation of hardware and the configuration of complex settings. FWaaS solutions offer rapid deployment, allowing organizations to set up and enforce security policies quickly.

Improved Security Posture

FWaaS providers often have dedicated teams focused on monitoring and updating security policies based on the latest threats and vulnerabilities. This can lead to a more proactive and responsive approach to security, enhancing the organization’s overall security posture.

Automation and Orchestration

FWaaS can integrate with other cloud securityservices and tools, enabling automation and orchestration of security processes. This can enhance the overall security posture and response times to emerging threats.

Adaptability to Dynamic Workloads

In modern, dynamic IT environments, where workloads can be distributed across on-premises and multiple cloud environments, FWaaS allows for seamlessly adapting security policies to accommodate changing infrastructure needs.

Reduced Maintenance Burden

With FWaaS, the responsibility for maintaining and updating the underlying infrastructure is shifted to the service provider. This allows organizations to focus on their core competencies while the service provider ensures the firewall infrastructure is up-to-date and resilient.

Enhanced Visibility and Reporting

Cloud-based firewalls often come with advanced reporting and analytics features. This gives organizations greater visibility into network traffic, security events, and compliance, helping them make informed decisions and demonstrate regulatory compliance.

Adaptability to Dynamic Workloads

In modern, dynamic IT environments, where workloads can be distributed across on-premises and multiple cloud environments, FWaaS allows seamlessly adapting security policies to accommodate changing infrastructure needs.


VikingCloud's Firewall Services

Ready to fortify your network defenses effortlessly? VikingCloud’s Managed Security Services, including our Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) solution, provide a cloud-centric, scalable, and cost-efficient approach to cybersecurity versus the complexities of managing traditional firewalls. Learn more about how you can secure your network with VikingCloud Managed Security Services. Contact the VikingCloud experts to improve your security posture, enjoy seamless scalability, and stay ahead of emerging threats.

Andrea Sugden
Chief Sales and Customer Relationship Officer
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